
Portal 2

Developer/Publisher: Valve
Platforms: Win, Mac
Genres: Platformer, Puzzle
Release date: Tuesday 19th April 2011

PixelGum Approved

All games that are approved have been played by our community for at least 100 hours cumulatively. In order to be approved, this game has met the strict criteria established by our community. Find out more View more games with this feature

All-Time Classic

This is a critically-acclaimed title featuring genre-defining gameplay. It is a game that has endless replay-ability, timelessness and has set the foundations for an entire gaming category with clear examples of best-in-class mechanics while also introducing innovative new features View more games with this feature

Suitable for Teen Gamers

This game may contain content such as moderate violence, mild use of language, mild sexual themes, and crude humor View more games with this feature

Single Player

This is a game features a single-player experience where input from only one player is required View more games with this feature

Portal 2 is a puzzle-platform game developed by Valve. Like the original Portal (2007), players solve puzzles by placing portals and teleporting between them. Portal 2 adds features including tractor beams, lasers, light bridges, and paint-like gels that alter player movement or allow portals to be placed on any surface. In the single-player campaign, players control Chell, who navigates the dilapidated Aperture Science Enrichment Center during its reconstruction by the supercomputer GLaDOS (Ellen McLain); new characters include robot Wheatley (Stephen Merchant) and Aperture founder Cave Johnson (J. K. Simmons). In the new cooperative mode, players solve puzzles together as robots Atlas and P-Body (both voiced by Dee Bradley Baker).

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Portal 2 Portal

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