
Team Fortress 2

Developer/Publisher: Valve
Platforms: Win, Mac
Genre: Action
Release date: Wednesday 10th October 2007


Acquiring some high-tier rewards in this game is reliant more on luck-based gambling mechanics than player progression or skill View more games with this feature

No-Limit Microtransactions

Due to the randomised gambling mechanics implemented in this game, it is possible to spend an infinite amount of money on microtransactions and never acquire the specific item you want View more games with this feature

Loot Boxes With Duplicate Items

This game contains loot box randomised gambling mechanics where rewarded items can be duplicated. Developers typically flood the prize pool with low-tier undesirable items in order to reduce the chances of a player getting the high-tier items they want. The sole purpose of also allowing the items to be duplicates in loot boxes is to further frustrate and manipulate players into spending money. View more games with this feature

Includes Macrotransactions

This game features an internal shop that allows users to spend money on items costing above $10, that cannot be considered micro-transactions View more games with this feature

Includes Microtransactions

This game features an internal shop that allows users to spend money on items costing below $10 View more games with this feature

Suitable for Mature Gamers

This game may contain content such as intense and/or realistic portrayals of violence, strong sexual themes, and frequent use of strong language View more games with this feature

Purchasable Cosmetic Items

This game features an internal shop with optional cosmetic items than do not effect gameplay. These may include skins, shaders, aesthetic items such as pets or mounts View more games with this feature

Online Multiplayer

This game features an online multiplayer mode in which more than one person can play in the same game environment at the same time, online over the internet View more games with this feature

Premium Game with Monetised Gambling Mechanics

This is a premium-priced game that still includes purchasable luck-based randomised gambling mechanics such as loot boxes, used to distribute high-tier end-game rewards View more games with this feature

Team Fortress 2 is a multiplayer first-person shooter game developed and published by Valve. It is the sequel to the 1996 mod Team Fortress for Quake and its 1999 remake, Team Fortress Classic. The player can join one of two teams, RED or BLU, and choose one of 9 character classes to battle in game modes such as capture the flag and king of the hill. Development of the game was led by John Cook and Robin Walker, the developers of the original Team Fortress mod. Team Fortress 2 was first announced in 1998 under the name Team Fortress 2: Brotherhood of Arms. Initially, the game had more realistic, militaristic visuals and gameplay, but this changed over the protracted nine-year development. After Valve released no information for six years, Team Fortress 2 regularly featured in Wired News’ annual vaporware list among other ignominies. The finished Team Fortress 2 has cartoon-like visuals influenced by the art of J. C. Leyendecker, Dean Cornwell, and Norman Rockwell, and uses Valve’s Source game engine.

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